Starkey Hearing Alliance Memeber

Better Hearing With the Human Touch

As a proud Partner of the Starkey Hearing Alliance, we are part of an elite network of independent hearing professionals and a preferred Starkey provider. 

As such, we promise to make your hearing health our number one priority by providing the highest level of personalized care your hearing deserves. Our promise to you is to deliver excellent service in everything we do.

The Starkey Hearing Alliance was built on the mutual agreement of trust, honor, integrity and hard work. We at the Starkey Hearing Alliance take pride in our nationwide network, and as the network continues to grow and strengthen, every individual will see a commitment to premium service and care. 

The Starkey Hearing Alliance Pledge is a result of a collaborated effort to ensure the Starkey Hearing Alliance provides premium customer care across the country. 

It’s our way of delivering peace of mind to every person who seeks our help — by letting them know that the Starkey Hearing Alliance is dedicated to setting the industry standard of what patient care really means, and that they can expect Better Hearing with the Human Touch no matter which Starkey Hearing Alliance office they visit anywhere in the country. 

Every Partner in the Starkey Hearing Alliance network is committed to the standards set forth in this pledge and believes in the value this brings to the network, the practices and most important, the patients.  


1. Comprehensive Evaluation

We will evaluate your hearing, your communication needs, and the goals for your life.

2. Recommend Only What Needs Recommending

Because we evaluate all your hearing and communication needs, we will recommend a treatment plan that is unique to you and designed to meet your needs.

3. A clear understanding of the journey and the results

We will make sure you understand what steps will be taken on your journey to better hearing and what the realistic outcomes of those steps are.

4. Seeing and Hearing the Benefit

We will verify that the hearing instruments and any accessories that go with them are working and provide the benefit that your need. This verification may be done through several clinically accepted tools such as Real-Ear Measurement, Speech Mapping or Sound Field Verification.

5. Treatment Is More Than Just an Office Visit

We will work with you to create a long-term treatment plan, defining follow-up appointments, regular ongoing evaluations, and any additional care that you may need to ensure you stay satisfied with your hearing for years to come.

6. In Warranty for One, In Warranty for All

When you work with a Starkey Hearing Alliance Partner, you are working not only with your local hearing healthcare professional, but also the national network that will honor the warranty, support, and service agreements on all Starkey products.

7. We commit to you for a lifetime

All Starkey products will receive free cleanings and testing for life.

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